Should the church be concerned immigration?

Written by,

Robert Johnson

“You shall not oppress a resident alien; you know the heart of an alien for you were aliens in the land of Egypt” (Ex 23:9)

Is this subject the same as it was in the Old Testament. Concern for aliens is found throughout the Bible. We are called to be people of reconciliation and called to engage in the act of reconciliation… When barriers are constructed, hostility that exists becomes exacerbated. Differences between peoples can only be addressed through bringing them together, not by adding further divisions. By breaking down walls that separate, we actively seek peace and reconciliation in the world and attempt to follow Jesus’ example”.

There I definitely a problem in America. This problem is at the forefront of our Presidents agenda, it is a hot topic. Are the church concerned enough with politics and the political agenda of this administration

The word of God-Christian faith is a compendium of migration stories. Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden, their homeland. Noah and family became boat people adrift without a destination. Sarah and Abraham were mandated to migrate and, for generations upon generations, God’s people were nomads. The narrative of the Judaic faith is the story of the Exodus and the subsequent migration into, and conquest of, what became known as the ‘promised land’.
The Hebrew people seized land occupied by other nations with the same sense of religious justification that European Christians seized and occupied the Americas in God’s name. The United States’ stance as the world’s one undisputed power in the early 21st century must also be understood in the context of an influential theology in which Christianity and America become closely identified. Trying to reconcile such views with tough border policies is challenging.

“For he is our peace; in his flesh, he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, the hostility between us. (Eph 2:14)

In a world made small by technology and trade, isolationism is not a viable option. Whether or not the Congress is able to achieve an immigration bill that is signed into law by the President, the influx of immigrants cannot be stemmed by enforcement alone. The United States is the largest exporter nation, the world’s foremost military and economic power, and the best-known country in the world. The peoples of less affluent nations are lured by the commercial and entertainment icons that incessantly project the image of American wealth.

The contrast between the affluence of the developed nations and the abiding poverty, diseases, famines, and wars of the 2/3s world is a stark reality that cannot be ignored nor denied. As long as that is the case, desperate people will take desperate action. Embarking on an ocean crossing on a raft is a desperate act. So is crossing the Sonoran desert on foot. They are the actions of desperate people who have no other options. Addressing the causes of the worldwide, south-north migration will be far more effective than enforcement of immigration laws, more conducive to peace than 370 miles of triple wire fences, more pleasing to God than a thousand burnt offerings.

In Conclusion, Immigration is not the only problem in America. Homelessness is out of control and only going to get worst. It’s not a church or political thing, it’s a problem for all. According to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Annual Homeless Assessment Report, as of 2017, there were around 554,000 homeless people in the United States on a given night or 0.17% of the population. Homelessness emerged as a national issue in the 1870s. We must become involved.

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