So Joy, let’s talk about it

At times do you feel like you have lost your joy in the Lord? Times where your praise is not consistent because of your trials. This Blog will encourage you beyond your trial there is joy found in Gods word.

The definition of Joy means to have great pleasure or happiness because of someone or something and that’s only the noun sense of the word. the verb sense of Joy means to rejoice. What is this thing called Joy we experience today? Today’s podcast we will talk about Joy. What kind of Joy should we as born-again Believers experience today? Is it Joy that the World experience? Is this something we should always have? does it dwindle away when things go wrong in our lives? Listen to this podcast and we will gain a foundational understanding of what Joy is. David declared these words in the Psalms ” the joy of the Lord is my strength.”

Thanks for sharing with me in God’s word

Jamal Ali

Real Talk

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