Persuaded by The Word

Written By,

Camille Ruiz

Romans 8:38-39

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things to present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Persuade (verb): convince; cause someone to believe something, especially after a sustained effort

We view the word persuade as an umbrella term of influence, and it’s references pertain to attitude, belief, action, and more. We can be persuaded by others to take a certain action.

For example, we can fall victim to peer pressure and through persuasion perform a specific event, such as drinking alcohol. Additionally, we can be persuaded to take a certain standpoint on a position of debate, such as politics or human rights.

But what is the foundation that backs up these viewpoints? What evidence confirms, and justifies, the reasoning for persuasion? Does the fact that “everyone else is doing it” serve as a valid, and persuasive, means for taking a drink? Will the appearance and public speaking skills of a political figure persuade you to stand behind their campaign?

We face an overwhelming amount of influence every single day, from culturally trendy attire to confident body language, up and coming successful stocks to healthier eating choices. Throughout the course of various influences thrown at you, what do you rely on for the foundation of what persuades you?

In the text highlighted for this blog, we see Paul, the servant of Christ and called to be apostle for the gospel of God, persuaded by the word. His influence, and moreover his foundation, stands entirely on the word of God.

Through the evidence unseen, faith, and the very works that he witnessed, Paul has been convinced of the unfailing, unbreakable relationship between the believer and the love of God.

God, the beginning and the end, is God and God alone (Revelation 1:8). He made all things, and without Him was not anything made that was made (John 1:3). There is none other like God; He is great, and does wondrous things (Psalm 86:8-10). His character is described immensely throughout the Bible, and his truth, might, and faithfulness, are confirmed throughout the scriptures.

His foundation is unmovable, and unchanging. His character never conflicts with His word, and there is no fault found in Him.

God, in all His perfection, chose to redeem mankind through love. The pure, true, honest, just, faithful, and perfect love is the love that God loves us with. The kind of love that cannot be measured in flowers, or swayed by emotions is the kind of love God is entirely. His love is unfailing, meaning that it will never fail. God’s love is perfect, and without spot or blemish. His love lives in us, through His spirit, and nothing can separate that love from us: not circumstances, worries, bills, situations, or even death.

Don’t let situational circumstances alter your focus, and move you to be persuaded that God’s love is no longer alive in you. Stay mediating on his perfect word, convinced that his will is perfect, and will be done.

Be reminded through the scriptures that God is faithful and is just to complete the perfect work that he has started in you (Philippians 1:6). Search the word for yourself, seek God through prayer, and witness His works in your life.

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