Finding it hard to trust God

The Bible states plainly in Psalms 118:8, “it is better to take refuge in the Lord.” The more I walk this Christian journey the more I find this text to be true. The world today find it easy to trust anybody or anything. The one element many won’t trust is God, his word. We will stay in failed relationships, failed marriages, even dead end jobs. Looking at the check each week like it’s going to change. But for some reason its hard for many to, “trust God.”

As a leader in the Lords church and the community in which I live, I’m often ask, how do I learn to trust God? Here’s my answer. “Trust is developed out of personal experiences with God.” For example from the natural perspective the experience of sleeping in the same bed gives confidence to the owner of the and he/she will never have a problem laying down and failing asleep based on their experience with sleeping in the same bed.

It’s hard to trust anything where there is no experience. Let me support my understanding by the word of God. There is a story of a small shepherd boy by the name of David. This shepherd boy is a great example of the experience truth. Please consider, as a shepherd his job was to provided and protect the sheep. One day while tending to the sheep a Lion came to attack, David the shepherd kills the Lion with the jaw bone of and ass. One experience leads to the next. There as before David is in the field tending sheep. Out of nowhere a bear appears to threaten the sheep. Because of David’s experience with the Lion the Bear was just another obstacle in the way that he had to remove.

You might say these are just two stories, hold on wait a minute. On occasion when David was asked by his father to take his brother their lunch, he stumbles upon a giant named, “Goliath.” Watch this, because Saul and the army of Israel had no experience with the Lord on their said they got scared and retreated. Not David because of his past experiences and fights to where God was on his said, David speaks up and says, “who is this uncircumcised Philistine? I’ll fight him, “I come in the name of the Lord.”

Just think of all the times his love was there you. He has been there all the time. Allow the experience of your past to give you confidence knowing God can do anything but fail.

Therefore “Finding trust in God,” is based on our relationship with his word. Those experiences increase in our faith in his word, giving us to know that God can do anything but fail, just ask David.

Robert Johnson

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