Walking in the Spirit

It is a natural state not to desire the feeling of being crush, not to struggle or even suffer. Life as we know will present many challenges. It is a guarantee that we will all suffer, go through, be challenge and find the strength to say, “Crush me the more.”

Allow me this note to express the blessings of, “Crush me the more.”No one desire to go through. Through things that cause us to feel uncertainty, pain, hurt, harm or struggle. The body itself if I can use as and example, remains in the natural state of homeostasis. A natural order of where the body organ system functions in a normal state. IF the body them is threaten the body then takes evasive maneuvers to fight against those thing which would cause the body’s organ system to shut down. For example when the body’s tempter is to high the sweat gland begins to work to bring a normal tempter. Did you know that our spirit man has the same operation?

The Holy Spirit makes overcoming possible. Nothing is to difficult for us with the power of God activity working in our lives. the Bible in Romans 8:26 tells us that God’s Spirit helps us in our weaknesses. Paul, who wrote the letter to the Romans, speaks for all of us when he said, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

The Spirit of God convicts our conscience and helps us see sin as it really is. Speaking of the Holy Spirit, which would be given to His followers after His death, Jesus said it would “convict the world of sin” God’s Spirit within us, working with our conscience, helps us to recognize and avoid sin. The guilt we feel is real when prompted by recognition of sins. (John 16:18).

The Holy Spirit produces godly fruit in us. Just as an apple tree produces apples, God’s Spirit produces a particular type of fruit in the life of a Christian. Paul lists the fruit that should be evident in those who are led by God’s Spirit as “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” Galatians 5 chapter beginning yet verse 22.

Each aspect of this fruit is worthy of a detailed study in itself, coupled with self-analysis to see to what extent these traits are evident in our lives.

Therefore the spirit of God provide a natural state of order while we live in this flesh the body until Jesus comes and we receive our glorified God. God has you in him, don’t give up. There will be hurt, pain, struggle but know that God ha already prepared a place where sorrow will be no more.

Robert Johnson

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