A mother’s Love

What makes a parent right, what makes them the truth. How can they see what is not there and yet be prepared? Parents are a God-given sent to love, support, strengthen, and encourage. Like the eagle “a mother’s” love is true.

When I think of my own mother I think of a woman true to life in every aspect. Sometimes I love to just write and think of the past, think of all she gave how to make it last.

My mother yes like that eagle tried and true knowing just what it was we needed and when to do. “Myself, Broderick, Johnetta, and my baby Sister Angela my mother’s love was across the broad. Why an eagle you might ask, allow me to share my mother with you in the hope you will do the same for the women that loved you.

When the mother eagle is expecting her young, she prepares a large nest high on the edge of a cliff. She fashions it out of giant branches and sharp thorns. She then fills it with layer upon layer of soft feathers. She makes sure that they are in a position growth and development. From the time they are birth, the mother prepares they destiny based on her actions.

When the baby eagles arrive and start getting all comfy-cozy in the nest, do you know what the mother eagle does? Each day she removes a few more feathers until, finally, the nest becomes unbearable. She does this deliberately, knowing full well that unless she forces her little ones out of their comfort zone, they’ll never take that leap of faith. They’ll never know what it means to soar.

It is then finally the little eagles can take it no longer. They climb to the edge of the nest and look down into the giant chasm below. Their hearts are gripped with fear, but what they’ve got is so bad, the unknown could hardly be worse. They mount their courage and take the leap of faith, realizing that their wings are completely untested. They have no skill, no experience, no backup plan. They have absolutely no cause for confidence.

The baby eagle continues plummeting toward the earth, and just when it seems all hope is lost the mother eagle swoops underneath her and allows her to mount upon her wings. For the first time in her life, she knows what it means to soar. From that moment on, there’s no holding her back. She is free from fear. Confident.

Like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries

Deuteronomy 32:11

My mother too knew what was best for us. Knowing one day God has a greater for all of us. In preparation for us to fly, she faults the elements of life, giving us to know how important it was to try. She would tell us to be more and that we could walk in any door.

She warned of impending danger and taught us that Satan is a stranger so beware. Like the Mother eagle too, we miss Dessie because she taught us all how to fly.

Broderick – Johnetta – Angela – Earl

“I believe we can fly because mom did.”

All that we may suffer or go through she prepared us to be true. To my siblings, look over the nest, “She’s still there to swoop down and carry us if we fall.” She gave all she had. Give all you have leave nothing behind. It’s too short to quit.

RIP “Dessie Mae Brown.”

One of those days

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