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Robert Johnson

The understanding of Empaths is becoming one with reality. One out of 10 children born is and empath. Empath have unique abilities and attributes which are geared at helping others. Empaths apologize a lot, most don’t understand, they are not apologizing for something they did, most times it’s the negative energy coming from someone they are connected to that does not go with the image being displayed.

True Empaths rarely WANT to be Empaths-at least not ALL the time. It’s not an easy thing to be. Being an Empath means you are completely and totally affected by other people’s energies whether you want to be or not. Totally against any plan or action you may employ, you have an innate ability to intuitively feel and sense the energies and emotions of others. And it’s extremely hard to pinpoint exactly how you just seem to “know,” it’s just THERE. It’s not just quite in any sense of an intellectual way, or even just emotionally. You feel it on a “cellular” level. No matter what you are doing, where you go, your life is unconsciously influenced by others’ desires, wishes, thoughts, and moods. Empaths “feel” their way through Life. There is no break from it. You cannot turn it “on” and “off.” And how do I know all this to be true? I was born that way.

Empaths tend to feel what is outside of them, sometimes even more so than what is inside of them. This can cause Empaths to ignore their own needs. In general, Empaths are quite non-violent in thought or deed, non-aggressive and they tend to lean more towards being the peacemaker, even from an early age. Any arena or space filled with disharmony creates an uncomfortable feeling in an Empath. If they find themselves in the middle of a confrontation, they will endeavor to settle the situation as quickly as possible, if not avoid it all together. Empaths “leave” situations often. It’s not uncommon for them to seek solitude. If harsh words are expressed in defending themselves, they will likely react in a very self-judgmental way because of their lack of self-control and have a preference to peacefully resolve the problem quickly. In other words, untrained Empaths apologize A LOT!


Disclaimer: The information written in this blog contains my opinions and doesn’t reflect the opinions of any organizations you might be affiliated with.

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  1. Hear the word of God Romans – 10:17

  2. We must Believe on the Son of God Jesus Christ sent to die for the sin of the world 1 John 3:23

  3. Repent for our sins Acts 2:37-38

  4. Be baptized in water and in the spirit Mark 1:8

  5. 2 Timothy 2:15 Continue in the word of God which will build up your most Holy Faith

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