The Impossible

How many times have you just felt that things would not work out? You looked at the situation and said, there is no way this will work. Can I get a “but God.”

I have learn one thing about God, he works in the unthinkable, in the impossible, and will use these situations to separate himself from this world to show that he is God.

The expression of his love goes beyond the reachable, the understanding, beyond human perception, into the areas of only a God can make wrong right.

In the Bible, there is a young Lady with and issue of Blood. She’s is bleeding uncontrollably. No matter how many doctors she sees, how much money she spends no one, I mean no one can help her issues.

Yes you got it, GOD is and issue God. The point and the time where the issue is beyond human reachability, beyond the doctors, there’s nothing no one can do because this issue is beyond human understanding. Most would just give up.

I’ve learned it is those times of issues that God will show his hand of love, reaching beyond the issues pulling us back into wellness and completion. God is able to do what no man can do. Nobody but God can reach into the impossible bringing life to a dead issue and dry it up.

Issues are ok, as long as God is the physician.

Robert Johnson

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