Religion verses Relationship

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Religion vs Relationship With God

What is the difference between Religion and Relationship with Jesus Christ ? Religion can be very different than having a Relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Religions are man made and are based on trying to get to God through rules and regulations and good works. All man made religions are based on people’s efforts at reaching God and being made right with Him through their own efforts.

But God’s plan for man’s salvation and for having a restored personal relationship with Him is told throughout the Bible. In the Old Testament and the New Testament alike. God’s plan is not based on people’s efforts and good works. His plan is based on His amazing Love and amazing Grace for us. God’s plan involved His precious Son Jesus paying the price and cost for our sins on the cross.

You need to put ALL of your trust and faith in Jesus and in what He did for us on the cross. Not in any religion or church or in your own efforts. If you put all of your trust and faith in Jesus, repent from your sins, and commit to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, then you can experience the joy of a right love RELATIONSHIP with God.

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