Satan and mind control

Written by,

Robert Johnson

Demonology –

In one of the ministers group that I am apart of I was ask the question, did satan “gaslight” Eve? In order for my or anyone else to understand how to answer we must define what “gaslight” is.


In fact, gaslighting was utilized in the first temptation mentioned in the Bible. Satan first prompts Eve to question what she heard God say about the tree of knowledge, and then he asserts that her account is wrong. That is gaslighting, as he caused Eve to doubt the reality of what she knew to be true (Genesis 3:1–3).

Spiritual warfare continued –

First of all the purpose of gaslighting is to gain control over someone’s mind through abnormal behavior. It’s to make a person doubt themselves. In today’s society this is used from prison inmates to wall street Business is executives. It is effective as an elusion.

Watch this video than answer if possible, did satan gaslight Eve to make her doubt God?

Revelations 12 “gaslighting” comes from wrath!

Gaslighting is a form of emotional and psychological abuse designed to gain control over the victim. Gaslighting has three main components: 1) Convincing the victim that the abuse she suffers is her fault, 2) Convincing the victim that he/she did not experience what she thinks she did, and 3) Separating the victim from people who support him/her. The tone of the victimizer can alternate between concerned and kind, and angry and abusive. The victim slowly learns to mistrust her own judgment, perception, and even sanity until she relies on the abuser to define reality for him/her.

Because so many from a place of past hurt have practiced this variation of mind control you are frowned upon if you bring awareness or into view – it takes away the enemy’s power. It’s powerful “Jim Jones,” I won’t go into detail. The pain of loss is still before many that lost love ones.

The term gaslighting comes from the 1944 movie Gaslight staring Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman, which was based on a 1938 play, Gas Light. In the story, a woman named Paula moves with her new husband to her family home after the murder of her aunt, a rich opera singer. Paula begins to witness strange things like a picture disappearing, a brooch gone missing, and the titular gas lights dimming. Her husband convinces her that the incidents are either caused by her or never happened. He uses Paula’s supposed mental issues to justify his efforts to further sequester her in the house. In the end, we learn he had murdered Paula’s aunt and developed an elaborate plan to discredit Paula to her own mind so he could freely search the house for her aunt’s jewels – used by psychopaths – Satan fits the character

The primary aim of the abuser who uses gaslighting is to manipulate his victim into believing her/him more than his/her own mind. The victim begins to doubt the reality of situations she clearly witnessed and to disbelieve her perception of the abuser’s behavior. The abuser alternates his nefarious behavior with concern and encouragement, leading his/her victim to rely on him for stability and support, and isolating him/her from those who have a true interest in him/her well-being.

Not all gaslighters are aware of what they are doing. Some have so deceived themselves they actually believe the lies they’re telling. Others are so afraid of the truth that they do anything they can to hide it. Kids often have no problem gaslighting their parents—falsely claiming mom never told them to do the dishes, for example—in order to avoid a punishment. Other gaslighters know exactly what they’re doing. “Negging” is a manipulative flirting technique wherein the man passive-aggressively insults the man/woman until his/her confidence drops and he/she feels the need to make him have a more positive view of his/her—often by doing what he wants. Whether intentional or not, gaslighting is sin and comes from a place of selfishness and a desire to control. Many men/women who have been abuse by past relationships – learn gaslighting as a measure to never suffer again by being in complete control of the relationship by altering the mind of their victim.

For the Gaslighter – Gaslighting can come from a place of great fear or great pain. It may be learned or instinctive. It is difficult for a gaslighter to admit he or she has a problem because the gaslighter believes that arranging the world in the “proper” way is a legitimate and reasonable goal. Anyone who works against that goal is obviously wrong and needs to be set straight. The Bible says differently


Gaslighting is also common in cults and abusive “churches,” as well as politics. It can be seen in abusers who convince children they deserve or desire their abuse. In preachers who tell questioning parishioners that their request for clarification on spiritual matters is sinful mistrust of God and disrespect of the pastor. Or in parishioners who criticize and then vaguely praise their pastor in an attempt to control him. In the political arena, when a leader or even a country flatly denies doing or saying what they publicly did or said, others may find it extremely difficult to counter the lie, especially if the media provide cover, or to address the issue in a meaningful way.

In Conclusion, “Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long” (Psalm 25:5).

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things” (Philippians 4:8).

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7).

Satans kingdom is not divided – meaning his kingdom exist based on emotion and not the word of God. His demons stand on principle and can stand stand on the word God –


Disclaimer: The information written in this blog contains my opinions and doesn’t reflect the opinions of any organizations you might be affiliated with.

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